
Trainings are offered through a broad range of subjects, including preventing Child abuse and neglect in children, promoting early language and literacy, First Aid/ CPR and much more…

6 Easy steps to Register

Call, Email or Postal Mail

1st. Register- Indicate your profession, personal information, location, address and contact person and number.

2nd. Select the training preference of your choice

3rd. Select the available day from the online calender

4th. Specify how you would like to receive training, submit information via email  at: or  or Postal mail: Billing address: 8543 Glen Bluff, San Antonio, Texas 78239

5th. Select method of payment- Credit Card, Company Check or Money Order Director’s Credential Program

6th. Submit registration form with payment through Postal Mail

Phone: Office: (210) 390-1588 or mobile office:  (210) 535-4162 click on link Traits of a Child sign in Sheet

3 Replies to “Register”

  1. Good morning I am Tilisha Blount and I was interested in taking some childcare course because I’ll like to open up my own home daycare. I would to receive some information on what courses you provide, prices and schedule. Thank you

  2. Good Afternoon I want to take the class For Director certification I would like to register ASAP . Thank you

  3. Hello, I have done in come childcare Registered and I am looking to start the process for my directors licensing so that I can eventually get a facility but I’m not sure where I need to start.

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